HR solutions for business
Bravo Zulu HR offers practical, hands-on help to small and medium businesses, schools and colleges in dealing with their HR and employment issues. Activities we can help with include:
dealing with disciplinary or grievance issues
performance management (including sickness issues)
drafting contracts of employment
employee handbooks/HR Policies (bespoke to your needs)
designing and deliver training on HR topics (bespoke to your needs)
If you have a problem with staff and are wondering what your employment or legal obligations are, give us a call for advice.
07834 986875
The name Bravo Zulu HR has a naval origin - not surprising, considering Lorraine's previous experience.
Bravo Zulu is a naval signal, conveyed by flaghoist or voice radio, meaning well done. It has also passed into the spoken and written vocabulary.
Lorraine believes it is vitally important to recognise good work and hopes that once she has helped your business, you will feel the contribution she has brought will result in BZ too!