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Many businesses will have common HR issues and the way in which Lorraine can help your business includes: 

Contracts of Employment – these important documents should be reviewed regularly as terms and conditions often change during an employee’s career with an organisation.  We can produce template documents and offer advice on contractual terms and queries regarding different types of contract.


Grievances/conflict management – employment relationships don’t always run smoothly and such issues could potentially lead to either informal or formal complaints within the workplace, are extremely difficult to manage.  They can be very time consuming and can, in themselves, be cause for additional stress for all those involved.  We will work with you to help both parties resolve matters successfully.  


Disciplinary investigations/hearings/appeals - we offer you and your managers/supervisors help and support both remotely and on site when dealing with disciplinary matters.  We talk you through each step and provide letters to support the process.


Performance concerns – a common theme for any business.  Many managers are reluctant to tackle an issue for fear of offending but poor performance that is not dealt with can often manifest into something serious which then requires formal warnings and actions ahead of ending an employee’s employment.  Lorraine will offer you and your managers/supervisors help and support both remotely and on site when dealing with performance issues.  Getting these difficult conversations right takes preparation and care.


HR policies and procedures – there are many P&Ps for any business to consider.  Lorraine gets to know what your business needs rather than recommending a blanket set of P&Ps that no-one reads.  She will prepare a bespoke Staff Handbook which is an important document for any employer’s compliance processes. She can also review or re-write any existing HR policies and procedures to ensure they are still legally compliant.

Attendance management – Lorraine will support and advise your managers to introduce key performance measures, assisting them to manage absence, carry out meaningful return to work interviews, referrals for occupational health advice when required and knowledge of disability discrimination.  Treatment of these sorts of issues takes sensitivity and knowledge on how to conduct difficult conversations.


Restructuring/redundancy – involving a third party in any restructuring or redundancy process can be very helpful to both the employer and the employee.  Many businesses find themselves in this situation and it can be hard to exit individuals with care and sensitivity.  Lorraine will work with you to test out the rationale for change and assess the risks to your business.  She can support and advise both remotely or on site helping with consultation meetings with your employees at all stages of the process and prepare necessary supporting letters and documentation.

  • listening to your problem and tailor HR advice to meet the needs of your issue - just talking an issue through might be all you need

  • advising on keeping you legally compliant in areas such as employment contracts, policies and procedures

  • drafting an employee handbook which will ensure good employment practices

  • writing policies and procedures in line with the latest employment legislation but that fit your business needs

  • providing remote or on-site support

  • drafting appropriate letters/correspondence in relation to specific HR issues you face

  • assisting with specific projects that your in house HR function just does not have time to progress. E.g. harmonising terms and conditions of employment, providing extra pair of hands in a redundancy consultation processes

  • designing and delivering training sessions or providing 1:1 coaching to line managers on how to apply the terms of policies and procedures in a practical way and minimising the risk of an employment tribunal claim

Four ways to help your business

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