Case studies
What was the problem?
Our company had grown and were about to take on employees and needed to ensure that we had the right sort of employment contract in place.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine met with us to understand how our Company operated and what specific contractual terms our business might need. She asked lots of questions to ensure that she understood how we need our employees to operate and ensure we are legally compliant. She provided us with not only a template contract of employment but other important templates of other employment documents from self-certificate forms, holiday forms and a basic disciplinary and grievance procedure to help us get started in our employment of people. We now feel confident that our initial employment documentation is fit for purpose.
What was the problem?
Having taken over an existing business it was clear that no formal employment document was in place for most employees. Where there was documentation it was out of date and did no reflect the current employment position or needs of the business.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine and I had several detailed conversations about the needs of the business and in particular the transient nature of the workforce to ensure that our employment documentation was legal, but it also took account of the needs of a business that relies on casual staffing. She provided a Staff Handbook which captures all the rules and policies that I needed to run the business so that everyone could be treated consistently and that all staff understood what was expected of them. Lorraine also updated the contracts of employment for all employees. This was time well spend and it is reassuring that we have our documentation up to date. We have continued to use Lorraine’s services since and I would recommend Lorraine for HR advice for her no nonsense, highly commercial approach to dealing with HR issues. She is as results focussed as we are and delivers on what she has promised a rarity in today’s World. Lorraine is a pleasure to work with.
What was the problem?
We had an employee who had been underperforming for some time. Whilst we had had some conversations with them about improving, we had failed to keep a record of such conversations. When the employee made a serious error, it was clear that we may have to discipline them. We rang Lorraine to take advice on what to do.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine firstly reassured us that action could be taken. She asked lots of questions about the performance to date and in particular the details of the latest incident. She talked us through the whole process from start to finish and drafted appropriate letters to support the process e.g. a letter to confirm the suspension of the employee. She also provided important support and advice to the manager who had to conduct the investigation and the disciplinary hearing. Never having done this before Lorraine’s calm and informed approach was invaluable.
Why did you need assistance?
An employee had appealed their dismissal and was threatening the employer with legal action.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine was able to advise on the appeal process. She helped the Appeal Manager understand what action had already been taken and how the employee had reacted to being dismissed. She helped the Appeal Officer prepare for the appeal hearing by ensuring that all elements of the employees appeal letter could be covered with a ‘fresh pair of eyes’. She also helped to draft the final outcome letter after the appeal meeting had taken place. No further action was taken by the employee.
Why did you need assistance?
We did not employ our own in-house HR professional and had been relying on a 24 hours online/telephone helpline to assist with our HR needs. But as the business owners we found that we did not always feel that the helpline dealt with our queries in the way the workplace needed as they appeared very theoretical. We also needed to use our time to be out meeting prospective clients and developing new business rather that dealing with setting up processes. We decided to employ the services of an HR Consultant to help us set up what we needed.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine was able to attend our workplace one day a week for a number of weeks to get ‘things in order’ with regards to our HR processes. She set up all the processes and procedures that we needed but ensured that we also remained compliant with the advice line insurance that we had subscribed too. Lorraine continued to provide some telephone advice for a period thereafter and helped recruit an Office Manager to take on some of the HR tasks that the business needed. She provided a valuable extra pair of hands when we needed them.
Why did you need help?
I found that we had an employee who had acted inappropriately with regards to a client and wanted to take some disciplinary action.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine was able to quickly understand the situation and the impact this had on our business. She was also able to talk me through the disciplinary process and provide draft documentation to support the process. The end result was not formal action in the end, but she was able to advise on a better solution to the problem. She is very experienced at what she does, and I have continued to use her services since as and when I need them. Lorraine gives clear counsel through the mire that is employment law. We love her decisive approach.
Why did you need help?
As our business was expanding we needed to restructure parts of the business and change some of the working arrangements of existing staff.
How did BravoZuluHR help?
Lorraine met with the management team to understand the needs of the business she tested out our rationale for change and assessed what employment changes would be needed. She provided advice and support both remotely and on site during the staff consultation periods and drafted appropriate letters to support the process from start to finish. We continue to use Lorraine for ongoing HR support.